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Q: What do I need to do in order to audition?

A: There will be a meeting the second week of school during FLEX for anyone interested. Information will be given out then as well as a chance to sign up for an audition time.


Q: What if I am absent and miss the sign ups?

A: If you are absent, please send Ms Sheehy an email at and she will sign you up.


Q: Do 6th or 7th graders ever get lead roles?

A: Yes, it is definitely possible. We approach casting decisions by what is best for the show and which students are the best fit for a role. In the past, there have been several 6th and 7th graders who have landed supporting or lead roles. That said, most 6th graders typically start off with ensemble or cameo roles, the same way an underclassman in high school would start off a sports team in Junior Varsity and then work his/her way up to Varsity.


Q: What do I need to prepare for auditions?

A: Please be prepared to sing either Happy Birthday or My Country 'tis of Thee and to perform a monologue. A monologue is a speech in a play said by only on actor. You can find a list of the monologues on the Audition page on this website.


Q: Can I leave after my audition is over?

A: Yes. Everyone will stay after school on the day of the auditions and we will call people in in the order they signed up. Once you are finished, you may call a parent to pick you up. Otherwise, a parent must be there at 5:00pm.




Q: How do I know if I’m called back?

A: Callbacks will be posted online and in the cafeteria. If you do not get a callback, please do not be upset or worry! We will only be calling back a small group of students.


Q: If I don’t get a callback, will I still get a part?

A: Absolutely. Callbacks typically involve working with students who are potentially being considered for lead and/or supporting roles. There are several roles that we will cast from our initial audition pool, as well as the ensembles.


Q: So if I don’t get a callback, does that mean I’m not going to be a lead or supporting character?

A: Not necessarily. If an actor receives a callback, it is because the directors need to see more of his/her vocal or acting skills before making a decision. Sometimes we know exactly how we want to cast someone just from their initial audition alone and don’t even need to call them back. There’s no rhyme or reason to how this works, and decisions are made according to what would be the best fit for the show. The best advice we can give regarding callbacks is: Don’t over-analyze! :)


Q: What will we be doing at callbacks?

A: You’ll be learning sections of songs from the show in small groups. Then, you will perform these vocal sections for the directors. To get a head start, look at the music on the audition page of this website.




Q: I’m not a dancer. Do I still have to dance?

A: Yes, its a musical! If you are not a dancer, don't worry. We will work wih everyones ability and make sure everyone is comfortable.


Q: What do I need to wear for rehearsals?

A: Please dress comfortably (i.e. gym clothes, yoga pants, leggings, a comfortable t-shirt, etc. NO jeans!) If you own dance shoes (jazz shoes or character heels preferably), please bring them. If you do not own dance shoes, please wear sneakers. NO flip-flops or Uggs.


Q: What time should I get picked up?

A: Rehearsals are scheduled to run until 5pm.


Q: When do rehearsals start?

A: Rehearsals will begin the Monday after auditions.


Q: Will I have to be at every rehearsal?

A: No. You only need to be at rehearsals for which you are called. As we get closer to production time, we will be having full-cast rehearsals more frequently.


Q: How often will we have rehearsals?

A: Rehearsals will take place 2 – 4 times a week until we get to tech/dress rehearsal week.


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